Dear Gabriella,
I am not bothered at all by telling you what I believe is true. Most people, and I include myself, believe that they can understand what is true more clearly than others, especially those others with with whom they most often disagree. I doubt that many of them actually see as clearly as they think they do. They rarely, at this late date, arrive at mutual satisfying conclusions with each other
over even the most trivial differences. I think that they argue themselves out of arriving at satisfying conclusions, because to agree with the "other" is beyond the pale. So much for "seeing" clearly!
If we do not first respect what truth is or may be, and I doubt that many of us start out naturally wanting to know such high thoughts without some forceful changes of mind, then we cannot understand what it will take to make being truthful a naturally occurring habit? There are simply no easy answers here, at least in the initial stages when dealing with our own selves and motives.
If this is true, that it is not easy, many people then simply do not have anything in common with it (truth). More than a few people are just as sincere in being untruthful as others are trying to be the opposite. The whole idea of truthfulness can be made into a game, and if we are not willing to conquer our natural unwillingness to be truthful with ourselves and between each other, or find out where to begin, the game will conquer us. We must not find only a right starting point but the right starting point and there can only be one. Being sincere in our beliefs and thoughts about what is truthful is of no help. Truth is not a commodity on the exchange market.
Personally, I really do not care very much about political ideologies, for most of them are built upon false assumptions, basing their livelihoods on something that is not true. False assumption is common and it effects all of us in some way. For instance, if someone trying to prove that all early Native Americans were magnanimous individuals by using the story of Pocahontas saving the life of John Smith as proof, he or she would certainly fall into this fallacy, since this is only one instance of a Native American being kind to a captive, where many other historical acts concerning their treatment of captives have proved otherwise. I use this analogy not because I think Native Americans need to be faulted for their past, rather because there are many people who stick on points of the past and refuse to be confronted by their own errors of the present. Political ideologies prove nothing just as the past proves nothing other than that the ideology must be obeyed at all costs. The slave drivers are those at the top wielding the whip of fear.
Not only can we not cannot argue from false assumptions we cannot develop theories that we think are possible by shrewd guesses. Probable causes do not give us the answers to past conditions. When later referring to our guesses as facts, and establishing the possibilities of our theories as facts, we fall into the pitfall--arguing from a false assumption. Political ideologies, more often than not, work from ambiguous evidence and erroneous statements of fact and whoever errs from these does so at their peril. Somebody somewhere will make that fact plain, for it is a too great a thing to watch someone walk away from the built up lying that political ideologies are made of. It is intolerable.
What do I think of the American left? Perhaps it is not wise to answer such a question. It may even be harmful to me to answer such a question and prove nothing, because of the false analogies and assumptions accepted by a prejudiced public. For this prejudiced public evidence and reason have no sway. But to be brief I will try, Gabriella.
The American left, so-called, is only about crime and punishment, excusing their own crimes and trying and punishing everyone else for their shortcomings. In this, if not through use of the law or social stigmas, those who consider themselves the left, leftists, progressives or whatever in God's name they currently call themselves, gladly use every form of public humility they can imagine such is their puritanical nature. American leftists, as I understand them, are consumed by wrong principles and self-absorption. The essentials of good persuasion do not exist in their lunatic madhouse of ideologies, they are only assumed. Proper argumentation, clearness, and skill have ceased to exist and been replaced by contentiousness in the leftist bag of tricks. If not in all of them, then in all that matter.
This is not to say that other ideologies do not in some way share many of the same shortcomings, which is not the point. I have little to say at this time about others who may be equally obstinate and prejudiced. Every person and every party has to come to their own understanding of what they are and what they might become. The question is what do I think about the American left? That is what I actually think.
We cannot drive people from their opinions, they go back to them as a dog does to its vomit, not even knowing why. People who place themselves on the political left often say that they are making America and the world safe for democracy, but what a laugh that is. They use ridicule as a weapon, and a weapon is an instrument of destruction, not a very useful tool for building a democracy. They preach forms of peace but deny it by their weapons of choice. So then are they lying? Are they not people of peace? Emphatically, yes! They are lying and they are not people of peace. They prove over and over again that they want forms of peace but only on their own terms. The world beyond our borders has the same problem with the political left that we have, there is no answer outside of our borders.
I am sure that the ideologically left-of-center have some well-defined objections to my point of view and I am willing to give my respectful attention, but absurdity I will not hear. I say this because I know that in many of their points of view they are more than willing to say that the debate is over. Imperious pride and power impoverishes the left. They have nothing of value that I want. Knowledge of the world, scientific hypothesis, literary acumen, nothing that the left may boast of interests me, other than to make me question whether they are out to impoverish those who disagree with them and to make them obedient to their point of view?
We must not be unsympathetic towards the conflicts within the enormous panorama of human life unfolding before our eyes. The American left only serves to create ever-coarsening political propaganda and self-deception. I have no great feelings of satisfaction knowing that they leave a vivid distaste in the minds of well-wishers to the development of humanity. People around the world are at a deadlock, many of them not knowing which way to turn for answers, not knowing whom to trust with their income, property and their lives. Having little understanding of the treacherous problems involved in the political climates of the day, people are not truly informed, but are led by the arbitrary principles of power or to fend for themselves.
The left, through corrupt and willing uses of laws have served this nation and the world badly. Make no mistake, it is dangerous to cross over to where there are no paths of glory. If we must live we should do so with decency and, at least, a semblance of order. I see nothing of this in the lives of the left, always much spoken of but not verified. For all of their talk of building bridges among humanity, I see nothing except the tearing down of bridges that exist. Our lives are crossed, there's and ours. We live at a time when honor and loyalty to true ideals are trod upon by dwarves in everything but name only. The spirit of truthfulness has seemed to vanish from the world.
However the many and varied people of the left look at themselves, they cannot hide the fact that they are not good at faking. Political hypocrisy is especially offensive, on an equal footing with religious hypocrisy, for politics is a religion to most left-leaning men and women. I don't think that what I say about them is out of context with the way in which they speak and act. They tap into a populist anger which they themselves spread and build upon. The best of them, the faces of their leadership, however they are found, fake civility while hypocritically calling for civility. They disguise their own sexism while decrying it in others. Subtly, they practice the most vile sort of extremism while pointing it out in you and I. They plant jokes in their public gardens of evil but cannot laugh when the seeds of laughter are blown back in their faces. Of course, they use crude and offensive rhetoric to discredit those whom they despise yet characterize themselves as public saints. It's all pig crap and they know it, Gabriella, and very hard to defend.
It is a Judas that will sell anyone out for political gain. From the highest magistrates to the lowest membership of the left a jingling is heard emanating from their pockets as they walk, thinking it is sweet music they hear. They are so full of themselves that they are nauseous. Winking and excusing themselves between each other abounds but only builds the impregnability of their vanity. Unless they come up with something better, this is the impression I am stuck with. Failing to do right things in a right way or manner is impregnated on their calling cards. It is easy to censure and throw stones, and very difficult to dislike what deserves it without despising, I know.
I have tried to make allowances for my reasoning, Gabriella, and I conclude: the left cannot be trusted because those who make up the left will not trust anyone outside of their own pathetic circle of influence. The people of the left are not happy people. It is fitting to treat them justly, although, they are much to be pitied.
Yours sincerely,
Niente di nuovo sotto il sole
December 5, 2009
You will note that I have made some changes and corrections,
I think for the better. This is what I like best about electronic
letter writing.