August 1, 2009

Cornycopaye (Review)

After a leisurely number of debut seasons, FLEBU's stunningly creative cable-television series Cornycopaye stepped up the pace in round fifty-nine of its allegorical tale of good and evil set against the backdrop of a Twenty-first century traveling circus. By the beginning of the fifty-ninth season, carnival-roustie Scratch Hawkens (Dick Bleak) reveals that he is a credible avatar-cum-circus performer, who has grudgingly accepted his destiny as a "being of light" while continuing to search for his proto-goddess-like mother, Missoula Montana (Henrietta Bo-Simpson), in a gothi-Homeric odyssey that takes him from his demented backwoods clan to an eerily cloying spinner of death shrouds. Meanwhile, Scratch's nemesis, the evil university professor Brother Bat Harvard-Oxford (Clint Clute) does his best to instigate an apocalyptic shootout between Chi Chi Guevaro street urchins and Nemo Nomad's demagogic band of progressive rabble rousers via an increasingly powerful left wing political campaign that invites obvious comparisons to early-2oth-century neosocialist politics. When polar-opposite avatars Scratch and Bat finally meet in the season's final moments, the result is one of the most emotional, profound, and terrifying climaxes in television history. Though it was unduly canceled after the fifty-ninth season (the show was conceived and directed by Daniel Pompadorous Schmittchfeld as a sixty-six season story arc), Cornycopaye is an ephemeral germ that will undoubtedly unfold to become a cult favorite among the upper classes as iconic as that other benchmark of the dark and bizarre, Double Mountains. This collection presents on HDVe all 59 episodes of the unjustly short-lived series' fifty-ninth and final season.


What other Editorial Reviewers are saying:

5 stars out of 5 - "Cornycopaye is a plush epic, featuring exotic locations and a cast of millions. A genuine tribute to flea television." - Rolling Bone - Itch Jones (9/9/999)

3.5 stars out of 4 - "No one who cares about organic acting will want to miss Dick Bleak's magnificent performance, his brooding eyes reflecting wells of idealism and exploding torment. Impossible? Impressive!" - London Box Office - R.L. Loo Rav (9/9/999)

"Schmittchfeld has done it again! It's beautiful and enigmatic. We ran out at the break of dawn and waited in line for hours for the complete boxed set of the 3,481 episodes of Cornycopaye for Junior's birthday." - The Boston Wailer - Scotty Wott and Sadie Saxxe (9/9/999)

"A dog and pony show." - The New York Times & Fishwrapper - Crowthley Bowsler (9/9/999)

"Six legs up! Daniel Pompadorous Schmittchfeld's writing and directing is persuasive, an ethical firebrand among the dry branches, in a series that includes the commonplace with the unfamiliar and unusual chapters in a flea's life." - Chicago Lake-Sun-Times - Roger eBogarte (9/9/999)