January 30, 2010

Worry Is A Fruit That Never Ripens


I believe that you should not worry about the relations between Europe and the United States. There will always be people living here who will fault the United States publicly in international circles only because they wish to appear in European eyes as the more enlightened Americans. They take pleasure in seeing us throwing insults back and forth at each other across the wide blue ocean, not out of cruel intentions so much as crassness of feeling. It may seem strange to say it, but it's true, falling for such a massive heap of stupidity will lead us nowhere, even though numerous seemingly intelligent people fall for it all the same.

Europe has a multitude of fine individuals and has always had them, as well as an equal amount of people who will hate America all their lives, who will comment unfavorably against us at every opportunity. The fact that you see in so many Europeans a condescending distaste for us, and a willingness to cure us by cursing us rather than by blessing our liberties and plenty, it is only logical to conclude that such people are living in a state of envy. The American experience is unique to us and it cannot be recreated among any other people, for it is a consciousness of ourselves that makes us American, not our place of birth, our color or any outward manifestation. Those who spite us with their fits and hisses usually fail to do us any lasting harm because we refuse to embark upon a senseless policy of self-righteousness that only leads to delusion.

Those who wish to do us harm do it out of a simplistic and revisionist interpretation of what it means to them to be an American or even a citizen of the world. It would be presumptuous to think that that harm means bodily harm in the minds of the majority, but it is more realistic to state that they are uncertain of their intentions except to be punitive. I believe they wish to punish severely those whom they see as ungrateful for the way of life that their most advanced, enlightened, and liberal awareness offers the world.

Not being able to physically hurt us, they go skulking about spouting some theories of liberation, uprising, and social revolutions that no one but themselves have any faith in, and which after several decades eventually peters out to nothing if not boredom. When one is not endowed with great common sense, the realization of possible failure often leads to unchecked rage, which it is hoped, will cover what they should be ashamed of--the triumph of the thin-skinned! That which makes them so unkind is not so much a determination to exploit and oppress, rather it is an intellectual laziness that has become the currency of our times and they must spend what they have. For it is not natural that people of a generous and wholesome state of mind can build their capacity for goodness by exhausting themselves with such petty meanness.

The moral and spiritual leadership of America and Europe will not come through the mouths of ignorant people saddled with stubborn pride, but through men and women determined to rise above the negative effects that such people leave to posterity. If some people are to become the villains in our society today, it is not out of a spirit of contest or revolution, or that we are better than they are, but that their choices have become destructive policies under which many men and women refuse to seek or live by. Public sentiment cannot be manipulated in such a manner as to make villains out of honest people because, as far as villains go, their necessity is to gradually abandon all that appears reasonable for an implacable determination to succeed at any cost. Eventually, their spines will bend with the wind and their fruit will be thrown to the ground, if not in our lifetime, certainly in that of somebody else.


January 23, 2010

Sell Google, Feed China

I was talking with a person who, incidentally, requested to remain completely anonymous, but felt that he or she had something important to relate concerning world affairs. "And what might this be?" I asked said anonymous person.

"Stockholders should sell Google, feed China." was the reply. "For such a magnanimous deed would absolve its stockholders from any guilt they might have over the allegation that Google is secretly involved in manipulating its highly sophisticated information retrieval program to act as an automatic censoring device."

I was shocked, absolutely shocked!

Would anyone in the modern world actually stoop so low as to further or restrict internet content, claiming that they are not moving up or setting back information on the results pages out of ideological motives?

I was shocked, absolutely shocked to think so!

Sell Google, feed China.

What a brilliant idea. Or was it only half-baked?

How long until the money ran out?

A couple billion people, including their cats and dogs
have to be fed more than once a day.

Day after day, year after year.

Sell Google, feed China?

What kind of genius (or idiot) could think of these things?

Sell, Google, feed China, indeed!

Wanted: Young Jewish Woman Willing to Travel...

Wanted: Young Jewish woman willing to travel the world making lewd jokes at the expense of Catholics.

January 12, 2010

Uncle Ho Pimpo

I recently happened across a new name, derogatory to be sure, for Ho Chi Minh: Uncle Ho Pimpo, written by an anonymous Vietnamese. He is often referred to as "Uncle Ho" or simply as "Uncle" by his cult of loyal followers. His unmistakable vulture-like face peers oppressively down upon the people of his skinny Republic from every monument in triumph, and not as the face of a benevolent uncle as his worshippers declare, but more as the proud and arrogant winner in a deadly test of wills. The late great uncle was a degenerate, a bozo, with more muscle than brains.

Note: The officially recommended propaganda of Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) asked Member States that they "join in the commemoration of the centenary [1990] of the birth of President Ho Chi Minh by organizing various events as a tribute to his memory.", recognizing "the important and many-sided contribution of President Ho Chi Minh in the fields of culture, education and the arts" and that Ho Chi Minh "devoted his whole life to the national liberation of the Vietnamese people, contributing to the common struggle of peoples for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress."