I was talking with a person who, incidentally, requested to remain completely anonymous, but felt that he or she had something important to relate concerning world affairs. "And what might this be?" I asked said anonymous person.
"Stockholders should sell Google, feed China." was the reply. "For such a magnanimous deed would absolve its stockholders from any guilt they might have over the allegation that Google is secretly involved in manipulating its highly sophisticated information retrieval program to act as an automatic censoring device."
I was shocked, absolutely shocked!
Would anyone in the modern world actually stoop so low as to further or restrict internet content, claiming that they are not moving up or setting back information on the results pages out of ideological motives?
I was shocked, absolutely shocked to think so!
Sell Google, feed China.
What a brilliant idea. Or was it only half-baked?
How long until the money ran out?
A couple billion people, including their cats and dogs
have to be fed more than once a day.
Day after day, year after year.
Sell Google, feed China?
What kind of genius (or idiot) could think of these things?
Sell, Google, feed China, indeed!