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It is not liberalism that is the problem just as it is not conservatives who are a problem, not anymore than independents or libertarians (or equivalents of all) who are a problem worldwide today, isn't it the hard heart of humanity? To paraphrase Shaw, 100% human and 99% idiots.
Who belongs to the Professional Left?
Does anyone really respect the few, vain, vicious, spotted reptiles writing for the Huffing Post?
Who has really betrayed the WTC Mosque controversy?
Who said Media Matters?
What would you do for the price of a sheepskin?
While reading Daily Kus, do you get the feeling that the Dog returns to its vomit?
Is it fair to call political activist Erica Payne a
street hustler with a chip on her shoulder?
You don't believe that ambitious, sordid, and vindictive political activism isn't street hustling, really?
Great people frequent the Internet, but I find it hard to understand why dogs do. Are they literate?
Like mangy canines with their drooling fangs bared at the slightest jest or provocation, tearing away at the flesh of the inhabitants of the land whom they have been taught to attack, isn't it the protection of the lambs from the beasts that I mean?
Certainly the most conceited people with whom you have ever encountered are those who boast the most about their political activism, you don't say?
Have you not a conscience that you would make a wreck of your life protecting those who malign the innocent? You are a law abiding citizen? Why do you then puff like an exhausted volcano?